Part 10: Chapter X: Dam-nation
Gear up, this update's pretty big.
Something not really mentioned yet is that the two major continents aren't separated by an ocean, per se. They're separated by a giant sea of mud. There's a smaller, water-filled ocean in the north part of the world but it's seen as an oddity. The Mud Sea is also full of precious minerals in the silty bed below it, such as Aurum. This dam exists to filter out these materials which are sifted out in the basin below by workers. All of this material about what the dam is for is extrapolated from a throwaway line by a worker if you only have the base game to go off of, so it's the first real instance of there being a bigger world beyond what you see.

A turn of the century strong man! Run for it before he tears a phone book in half!

There's suddenly a loud crash as the dam trembles, and a loud roar echoes up from below the mud.

And go we do. The dam is a maze of paths and ledges down the side of it, with a few tunnels thrown in for good measure. It's not too terribly long, but it's still a bit annoying.

Wild Shot is an ability that can either make your attack hit extremely hard or very weak. It's for the gamblin' sort of man, or for use against enemies who shrug off normal hits anyways.

This is the new enemy we meet in the Dam, the Puspool. Apparently it is a giant ambulant pool of pus with horns. That's more than a little grody. Normal attacks barely hurt it, while magic does normal damage to it. However, fire damage does something special to it.

If hit with fire damage, any further physical damage is unaffected by its no longer squishy form. Any water damage will make it gooey again. It's the little quirks about enemies that help keep combat interesting.

Down here we can see some workers still at work sifting out Aurum despite the dragon trying to break the place down. Gotta respect the work ethic. Let's talk to the foreman to see if he can help us across.

The tube?

Well, we have the key, at least. When questioned about the tube, he says it's in case the dam breaks. So, he's actually thinking ahead.

Going back up the dam's wall, we flip this here switch...

Which gets this thing turning, lowering a sluice to make a bridge for us.

Cray gets his first bit of attack magic. Rock Blast is the first level of Earth magic, and it hits all enemies on the field. Very solid (

Spiffy. Ryu needed an upgrade.

Let's hit this next one and...
...nothing happens. It just spins a bit and gutters out.

Sluice is a goofy word.

Guess what? A minigame. Just press the D-Pad keys in a circle until Ryu starts sweating a lot then hit the switch. This one doesn't even give us meaningless (until later) points

When we do the arbitrary minigame correctly, the sluice gate closes properly.

A fishing lure? A girl after my own heart.

Rock Blast makes short work of those squishy abominations outside.

Yes, these are a bird's eyes in a chest. Eat them to raise your Agility. Don't think too hard about this.


There's another loud roar, then a bell starts ringing.


With that, the foreman runs for his life, and we book it across the bottom of the dam to the other side. We insert the crank into a box and turn it.

Uh oh.

We keep hammering the "Turn Crank" button and the camera angle shifts.





The shadow of the mud envelops the whole dam just as the elevator reaches the bottom.

Made it just in time.

Admit it. You'd totally do this too.

Let's move on, then.

What's this? It must be plot!

Wait, what's that...?

It's...a giant tattooed column of Jello with a spinal column. Or maybe that thing from the end of Princess Mononoke. When I say dragons are weird in this game, I mean that dragons are weird in this game.

The dragon ripples, and coos at Ryu. A sitar plays, and the group turns.

Through interpretive dance, apparently. Shit's hard to do without limbs.

We have the option to pay either 10 or 100 zenny. Let's be cheap.

The Frog Woman's Song

...what in the fuck was that!?

Bitch. We give her the hundred zenny. She has a few more gag songs if you keep stiffing her, and eventually gives you the song you need anyways for cheap, but I actually didn't know that.

The Unfading Ones
I have no idea if either of the songs translate right.

The dragon appreciates our funding of indie musicians, and commences to jigglin'.

Also, to disappearing.

I love Cray. This and a few other lines make me read his lines in Mr. T's voice every now and then.

The party walks off, and the lady plays her sitar some more.

BUM BUM BUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM(everybodysawthatonecominganywayyyy)